
My Furnace Is Leaking!

My laundry floor is soaked but I can’t find a pipe leak anywhere!  I don’t believe you have a pipe leak. I think you’ll find that the water is coming from the bottom of your furnace because the air conditioner ‘A’ coil drain is blocked. “What is an A coil drain?” The...

Your House Cracks

Home Inspectors get paid a lot of money every year just to look at other peoples cracks; cracks in plaster walls and ceilings, cracks in basement and garage floors, cracks in foundation walls.  To understand cracks the first thing a real estate agent or homeowner need...

Are Leaky Houses Healthier?

State of MN doesn’t think so and has adopted a new energy code. Most realtors and homeowners don’t realize since June 1, 2009 our housing has been subject to new residential energy requirements.  If interested you can download the full Energy Code called Chapter 1322...

3 Easy Tips for Prepping Your Home for Winter

Trim the bushes…then fix the grade! Winter is closer than you think, and it’s time to begin winterizing your house. Obviously I’m not talking about cleaning gutters at this stage! That will wait until after the leaves have fallen. Prune shrubs and bushes first....

More About Swales: With Great Benefit Comes Great Responsibility

Are swales and culverts used often for drainage?  Yes they are! Swales are often dug along property lines to direct water to street drains. Most people aren’t aware that there is even a drain there. They don’t take any particular notice of the depression in the soil...

That’s Just Swale: Water Drainage Help for Homes on Hills

What is the purpose of a drainage swale and when do we use it? MN realtors and homeowners, you have been waiting patiently for the description of a drainage swale. So here it is! A drainage swale is a depression in the ground designed to direct water flow. You may...

9 Steps for Solving Unseasonably Wet Basements

What can a homeowner or real estate agent do NOW to better protect their homes against moisture intrusion? This question is coming up all of the time this year. 2013 is a little unique and if the home that you have owned for years, or have just purchased, has moisture...

MN Inspectors Represent the House

What does “the home inspector represents the voice of the house” mean? Typically, MN home inspectors are contracted to inspect the home for either a buyer or seller. This is usually recommended and arranged by their real estate agent. Often customers feel because they...


What is the difference between passive and active radon control? This question is often asked since the Minnesota Department of public health announced the new radon initiatives, effective January 1, 2014. Passive radon control simply means that radon gas developing...

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